The Benefits Of Bacil Leave For Health

bacil leave

The Benefits Of Bacil Leave For Health - Basil Leave has the latin nama "Ocimum basilicum" name which means scented plants . It refers to a distinctive aroma that comes out of the basil leaves . In Indonesia alone basil is often used as a complement to various types of cuisines to add aroma appetizing . One is pepes.

However , apart from being used as seasoning basil leaves is also beneficial to health. This is not out of the compounds contained therein.

The Benefits Of Bacil Leave For Health

Well , below are some health benefits of basil leaves for both men and women:

1. Relieve fever and colds

Basil able to relieve fever and colds suffered by children under five . The trick Take a few leaves of basil , then kneaded together with onions and coconut oil , then applied to the abdomen , chest, and back toddlers .

2. Nourish the eyes and mouth

Vitamin A in the basil leaves have the ability to treat eye infections , relieving eye stress, and prevent interference with the other eye . Not only that , besides mint , basil also has a refreshing effect of bad breath if consumed.

3. smooth milk

Fresh basil leaves is believed to prevent body odor and bad breath , as well as facilitate breastfeeding. You can use as a salad friend to eat rice and sambal .

4. Anti -inflammatory

Basil is an anti -inflammatory agent to treat an effective swelling and relieve arthritis . Basil also include good sources of calcium necessary bones to prevent osteoporosis.

5. menopause

Basil can postpone menopause because it contains tryptophan substance on basil leaves can postpone menopause . Therefore , consumption perbanyaklah basil if you want to postpone the mass of menopause .

6. Preventing a cough

In Thailand , basil is used as seasoning . In India and parts of Africa , basil leaves brewed into tea . Basil tea served at the turn of the season , when local people susceptible to coughs , colds , or fevers .

7. Addressing Whitish

The content of the compound eugenol in basil can kill the fungi that cause vaginal discharge . So , when you experience vaginal discharge , diligent consume basil leaves . can as a salad or mixed with other foods , for example pepes .

8. Stimulate Egg

Basil leaves can help the process of maturation of the egg ( ovulation ) because the substances stigmaasterol in basil stimulates the maturation of the egg ( ovulation ).

9. The anti-inflammatory

The content of cineole , myrcene and eugenol contained in basil leaves function as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory .

10. Heart Health

Based on several studies , basil role in maintaining heart health because it contains beta-carotene , and magnesium . Both are important mineral that serves to keep and maintain cardiovascular health .

11. Overcoming Stroke

Improve the function of blood vessels pulse ( artery) in stroke patients because the isoflavone content in basil and also found in legumes such as soy , beans, peas , can improve blood vessel function pulse ( artery) in stroke patients .

12. Other benefits

Smokers can chew basil leaves whenever they want to smoke . By doing so , the antioxidant power is able to fix a broken system from the effects of nicotine . Basil is also effective to relieve stress , prevent diabetes , and to overcome kidney stones .

Ingredients Basil

Basil leaves contain nutritional components and non- nutritional components that are beneficial for the body .

Nutritional Components Basil

bacil leave

Basil leaves contain beta-carotene ( provitamin A) and vitamin C. Beta-carotene plays a role supports visual function , increase the antibody response ( affect immune function ) , protein synthesis to support the growth process , and as an antioxidant .

Vitamin C , among others, are useful for the formation of collagen for wound healing and maintain skin elasticity , helps the absorption of calcium and iron , antioxidants , preventing the formation of nitrosamines which are carcinogenic ( cancer causing ) .

Collagen is a protein compound that affects the integrity of the cell structure in all connective tissues , such as cartilage , bone matrix , tooth dentin , capillary membranes , skin , and tendons ( tendons ) . Basil leaves are rich in macro minerals , namely calcium , phosphorus , and magnesium . Calcium is important for the formation and growth of bone , nerve impulse transmission , muscle contraction helps , and helps activate the enzyme reaction .

Phosphorus plays a role in bone growth , helps the absorption and transport of nutrients , regulate the balance of acids and bases . Magnesium helps relax the heart and blood vessels , thus improving blood flow .

Non - nutrient components Basil

Basil leaves also contain other components nongizi between flavonoids and eugenol , arginine , anetol , boron , and essential oil . And eugenol flavonoids act as antioxidants , which can neutralize free radicals , neutralize cholesterol and are anticancer .

The compounds may also be antimicrobial that prevents the entry of bacteria , viruses , or fungi that harm the body . Very nice basil eugenol consumed by women because of its can kill fungi that cause vaginal discharge .

Its content of arginine can strengthen the endurance of sperm and prevent infertility . Anetol and boron compounds are also very instrumental in keeping the male and female reproductive health .

Anetol and boron may stimulate the hormones estrogen and androgen , and prevent bone loss . Estrogen and androgen hormones play a role in the female reproductive system.

Volatile essential oils and has a biological activity as an antimicrobial . Essential oils are divided into two components , namely component hydrocarbons and oxygenated hydrocarbons or phenol component . Phenol has a very strong antimicrobial properties .

Essential oils can prevent the growth of disease-causing microbes , such as Staphylococcus aureus , Salmonella enteritidis , and Escherichia coli . Essential oils can also ward off infection from the virus Basillus subtilis , Salmonella paratyphi , and Proteus vulgaris .

His eugenol can kill fungi that cause vaginal discharge . And stigmasterol can stimulate ovulation ( egg maturation ) . Components of its tannins and zinc can reduce the secretion of vaginal fluid , while the amino acid tryptophan may delay menopause . Flavonoid components such as orientin and vicenin the basil leaves can protect the cell structure of the body . Meanwhile, the flavonoid components such as cineole , myrcene and eugenol useful as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory .

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