17 Benefits of Bananas For Our Health


17 Benefits of Bananas For Our Health - Banana is a plant species that are found in Indonesia. We can find almost throughout island in Indonesia . Almost all parts of the banana can be consumed, but the fruit we would have to know the heart of a banana , which is commonly used as food , even in the area of Papua banana stems can also be processed into food . Do not forget the banana leaf is often used as a traditional food packaging.

Bananas are either consumed by pregnant women to help in fetal development because bananas contain lots of nutrients like potassium and folic acid . In addition to the banana fruit is also beneficial to help the body keep a backup of calcium , nitrogen , and phosphorus , which are useful for building repair and regeneration of tissue . Bananas are also rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex , vitamin C , as well as potassium , magnesium , phosphorus , iron , and calcium . For more details, let's look at some benefits of bananas following :

The Benefits of Bananas For Health

1. Bananas Rich in vitamins and fiber

Did you know that the banana has more than twice the carbohydrates and five times the vitamin A than apples . Besides bananas are also rich in potassium . Thus the bananas are beneficial to health .

2. Banana Treat heartburn

In the previous article I once wrote an article about " How to Cope with Natural Ulcer Disease " . And in the post I have explain how to treat stomach ulcers with herbs . Well , it turns out in addition to herbs , bananas can also be a solution when we heartburn . If heartburn attack , eat a banana and the pain of heartburn will be reduced because bananas have a deterrent acidic substances in the body so as to relieve heartburn .

3. Bananas can be used as a mask for Treating Acne

Acne interfere with your appearance ? Exterminate only with masks bananas ! it is easy you just have to destroy meat bananas which have matured sufficiently , then apply on the skin with acne . Furthermore, let stand for 15-30 minutes , then wash. Perform these tips on a regular basis until the acne completely disappear .

4. Bananas Can Improve mood

Oh yes but can cope with ulcer disease and acne , bananas are also useful to increase mood so stable and continued positive mood throughout the day . So if you 're upset, eat bananas.

5. Bananas Could Smooth Skin

Your skin looks dull and rough ? May mask the banana and honey could be a solution for your way , mashed ripe bananas in a blender , then mix with 2 tablespoons of honey . After that you can apply the banana mask on your face . Let stand 10-25 minutes after that and then you wash your face with water and feel the difference .

6. As Energy Source

The content of carbohydrates in bananas could be a source of energy for our bodies . If you eat two bananas a day , it can increase endurance and increase your energy in doing your daily activity.

7. Can Heal Burns

You have burns ? Never are concerned , treat immediately with bananas speedy recovery . The trick , mashed bananas , then dab on burned skin areas to relieve pain and heal.


8. Beneficial For Transporting oxygen to the brain

Bananas are also useful in draining oxygen to the brain due to a banana itself is rich in potassium , so the content in bananas helps the circulation of oxygen to the brain and also prevent high blood pressure and stroke .

9. Can Streamlining Process Metabolism / defecation

For those who experience difficulty during bowel movements, you can eat a banana as a step treatment. Because bananas can help expedite the disposal of the body's metabolic processes

10. Bananas can Reduce Pain When Haid

Often feel pain every time you menstruate ? Do not get over the problem with bananas, eating bananas then multiply the pain can be reduced

11. Addressing the itching caused by mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are very annoying, and itching can be lost when the banana peel is applied slowly to the areas affected by mosquito bites .

12. Boost immunity

Vitamin A , C , and B6 found in bananas serves to boost immunity against infection . So the body will feel fresh and not get limp.

13. Bananas can treat hypertension ( high blood pressure )

Potassium contained in bananas can help regulate fluid and electrolyte balance so that the blood pressure will stabilize. The fiber content in bananas is able to bind fat can and prevent the formation of plaque that can lead to increased blood pressure in our body

14. Preventing heart disease

Bananas can also help prevent heart disease katena content of vitamin C and flavonoids on bananas which are antioxidants can prevent fat oxidation process which can lead to heart disease . The potassium in bananas is a good tonic for the heart . Fiber pektinnya take effect in helping to lower cholesterol. So , before heart disease , stop diligently eating bananas

15. Overcoming anemia

Bananas also contain iron . Eat two bananas every day , then it is sufficient to make the anemia saved. So if you are deprived of blood , immediately eat this delicious fruit

16. Lose weight

Oh yes , good news for those of you who are "Diet " , turns the complex carbohydrates contained within the banana will not raise glucose levels by drastically ; besides bananas are also low in fat , making it safe for the participants weight loss program . Of note, the untreated bananas into banana milk shakes , banana fritters , or compote . Then the fiber in bananas can accelerate metabolic processes so that they can lose weight.

17. Bananas are good for pregnant women , Why ?

For those women who are pregnant , it is recommended to eat bananas , because they contain high folic acid is important for the perfection of the fetus , the formation of new cells and preventing birth defects . One ripe banana contains about 85-100 calories . So that by eating two bananas a fresh , folic acid needs about 58 micrograms can be met by eating a banana this . Besides bananas will help keep blood sugar levels can reduce sick morning , so that bananas are very good for snacks pregnant women.

11 Benefits of Turmeric For Traditional Medicines


11 Benefits of Turmeric For Traditional Medicines - Know better the benefits of turmeric which is often used as a traditional medicine and maintain a healthy body condition so it does not easily fall ill.

Saffron or turmeric ( Curcuma domestica ) is a medicinal plant which is more dominant in the growth region of Southeast Asia . Belonging to the group gingers and retrieval findings ( Read : Benefits of Ginger ), which in some places is known by several names such as saffron, turmeric, koneng, and konyet.

Usability and Efficacy of Turmeric

People are more familiar with turmeric as a spice used for cooking in the kitchen spice supplement . Some dishes that contained the material component of turmeric curry and soup for example , precisely to give a yellow color to the dish .

While those who have a greater understanding in the field of health doubling turmeric function as a pharmaceutical product that can compete on the market with patented drugs . If the results of this herb can cure diseases such as arthritis or osteo - arthritis .

Part of the plant used as medicine is a rhizome or tuber with a record must be aged over one year . Efficacy of turmeric which, when consumed regularly can release excess gas in the intestine , stop bleeding and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Benefits of Turmeric For Medicinal Plants


Various medications to relieve itching , eradicate the virus and prevent depression can be formulated from the basic ingredients of turmeric and some other natural material . Although until now most people prefer to buy drugs pharmacy clearer result, the traditional medicine of turmeric can not be underestimated.

1. Lowering Blood Pressure

  •  Prepare 50 grams of leaves of Centella asiatica, 300 cc honey, 3 thumb fresh turmeric , and 500 cc of water .
  • Gotu kola leaves and turmeric chopped into small pieces , then boiled in 500 cc of water until the remaining 150 cc .
  • Wait a little cold , if it is then taken .
  • Perform this treatment regularly drink 3 times a day each 1 tablespoon .

2. Reduce heat Fever

  •     20 grams grated fresh turmeric that has been cleaned .
  •     Put it in 100 ml of hot boiled water , stir gently until dissolved saffron .
  •     Tadahkan turmeric solution on a clean rag , then create such parcel .
  •     Squeeze so that water out , do not forget disposed above a glass or small container .
  •     Drinking juice of turmeric to hot temperatures due to the fever down 

3. Eliminate Body Odor From Within

  •     Prepare 2 segment thumb fresh turmeric , grated until smooth .
  •     Dissolve in 2/3 cup of warm boiled water that has been mixed with palm sugar .
  •     Stir a few minutes , strain the water and drink .
  •     Dosage: 1 time a day taken before bed .

4. Itching For Chicken Pox

  •     Picking a handful of leaves and a piece of turmeric acid , wash both materials .
  •     Both materials have a clean blender until smooth .
  •     Apply by means rub it on the skin that itch after smallpox .
  •     Dose treatment : 3 times a day

5. Malaria

  •  Prepare materials in the form of 3 grams of saffron , 15 grams of skin pule , 5 grams of sandalwood , 5 grams of bark keningar , 6 grams of leaves Jering antan , 20 grams of ginger , eucalyptus oil 6 drops ( put it on a small plate ) , and 500 of boiled water .
  •  Blend all ingredients except eucalyptus oil , boiled in 500 cc of water .
  •  Cold drink potions already 3 times a day.

6. Diarrhea

  •  3 Prepare the coriander seeds , 1 piece of wood ules , 1 leaves alum , 1/2 finger turmeric , and 1/2 penetrance angina .
  •  Combine all the ingredients , then boiled in a glass of water ( 150 ml ) to boiling .
  •  Strain the cooking water , then take medicine that has been finished 2 times a day (morning and evening ) each 75 ml.

7. Stamina

  •   Squeeze turmeric until the water as much as 1 tablespoon , prepare also a chicken egg , 1 tablespoon honey , 1 tablespoon lemon juice , and pepper powder to taste .
  •   Put all the ingredients in a glass and stir until well mixed , let some time .
  •   his vitality take medication three times a day.

8. Ulcers

  •     Grate 1 vertebra turmeric thumb , pour 1 teaspoon of water whiting and juice of 1 lemon .
  •     Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed .
  •     Make foreign drugs by way of applying it to the skin which are ulcers.

9. Whitish

  •     Prepare 15 grams of turmeric root that is old , peel and wash .
  •     Grate until smooth , add 1 cup water and sugar acids .
  •     Stir constantly until smooth , pour while using the tool filters ( cloth ) .
  •     This whitish medicinal drink 2 times a day.

10. Gingivitis

  •     Gambir plant 3 1/2 thumb cut and turmeric .
  •     Cut both ingredients and mash until smooth .
  •     Boil 2 cups of water into the pot to boil and the remaining 1 cup .
  •     Wait a little cooler , drinking routine 3-4 times a day.

11. Late Coming Months

  • Material in the form of 15 grams of leaves and turmeric sigading , 10 grams of cardamom and nutmeg , 5 grams of black cumin , coriander and cloves .
  • Boil all ingredients making up the pan 3 cups of water , waiting for the water to boil and the remaining 1 cup .
  • Strain the water and take medication three times a day each 1/3 cup.

That's the benefit of turmeric as the building blocks of traditional medicine which would be beneficial for all of you.

10 Benefits Of Avocado For Health


10 Benefits Of Avocado For Health - Avocados in Indonesian dictionary called Avocado is derived from the English name : Avocado . Fruit of the genus Persea Lauraceae family has a Latin name Persea americana . This fruit comes from Central America and Mexico , but now quite a few are cultivated as a crop monocultures or perkarangan home in tropical regions such as Central America and South America.

Name avocado or avocado was first said by residents of the Aztec tribe who live in areas of Central America and Mexico . This plant was introduced to the people of central Europe of the 16th century by Martin Fernandez de Enciso , a leader of the Spanish forces during colonial Central America . From there the familiar avocado Indonesia since the Dutch colonial period many shipments of fruit for the purpose of chitterlings.

10 Benefits Of Avocado For Health

In the world of the apparel industry , part of an avocado seed is processed into dye clothes that do not easily fade . While part trunks ordinary combustible dried and ultimately used as fuel by the villagers.

In the bark there is a compound that will provide brown color of a material or substance , usually a company engaged in manufacturing leather products utilize the bark as brown coloring.


In the pharmaceutical world , avocado leaf has long been used as a herbal medicine for treating bladder stones , nerves and stomach pain , headache , high blood pressure , pemebengkakan airways and irregular menstruation . While the seeds are often used as a clothing dye can also be formulated as a cure toothache and diabetes.

Experts also often carry out a series of studies or research on avocado flesh or skin and seeds to maintain health , prevent disease , and minimize the risk to the health problems of the human body .

Here are the results obtained from some research which has been conducted by scientists to find whether it really saved a lot of important nutrients that bring the benefits of avocado for health.

1. Accelerate Absorption Nutrition

Based on a study conducted several years ago revealed the news that certain nutrients that enter the body can be absorbed better , faster and much more effectively when eaten in conjunction with avocado .

As proof , again a research conducted to ascertain the truth of the matter. Two people eat salad , one of which included avocado while the other is not , after checking it is true of the people who ate a salad in which there are avocados helps the absorption of nutrients five times better than those who do not.

2. Maintain Eye Health

The content of lutein in avocados are the highest levels of lutein compared to other fruits equally have the privilege to sustain human health .

Lutein is part of the carotenoid that is naturally produced in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants . Lutein is responsible for maintaining the health of the power of human vision . Research also suggests that high levels of lutein in avocados can minimize the risk of disorders of the eye particularly macular degeneration and cataracts.

3. Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth

According to doctors, in every human body there are cancer cells that someday could grow , depending on the health condition of their bodies and how to maintain one's health condition remains stable .

While the connection with avocado is with the help of some of the compounds contained in it can inhibit cancer cells as well as the search for new cancer cells arise and so found immediately destroyed without adversely affect the cells of other active health.

4. Lowering Cholesterol

Diseases such as Familial hypercholesterolemia ( FH ) , Xanthomas and heart failure is a type of disease that will infect a person if the levels of bad cholesterol in the body exceeds the amount of HDL (good cholesterol ) .

The bad knowing that eventually the experts conducted a study of 45 people with high LDL number to be governed eat avocado within one week . As a result they are actually eating an avocado routine within a week decreased cholesterol by 17 % without reducing cholesterol levels is good for the survival function of the heart organ.

5. Source of Antioxidant Glutathione

Glutathione or abbreviated as GSH is the mother of all kinds of antioxidants . Cells in the body are very hopeful on the performance of this master antioxidant . One of the benefits of GSH is an anti -aging by increasing collagen content in the body , especially the skin , thus minimizing wrinkles on the face and other body parts .

Independent quoted from the site , the avocado is a fruit of a row of the main sources of glutathione . Another name that is present is asparagus , spinach , and broccoli vegetable . All fresh fruits and vegetables can increase the levels of glutathione, particularly vegetables such as cabbage , bean sprouts, and cabbage . You can also make mixing nutrition to gain more leverage glutathione. For example, to enjoy dinner with salad vegetables, eggs and avocado juice.

6. Containing Potassium

Potassium belong to the mineral used by autonomic nerves control heart rate , brain function , and other important physiological processes . Fruits that contain potassium predicted for this is bananas , but the facts prove that turns avocado contains more potassium than bananas . Approximately two -fold ( 975 mg ) contains more potassium than a banana avocado .

Efficacy avocado because of high potassium include:

  •  Lowering high blood pressure
  •  Helps reduce exercise-induced muscle pain or sports , such as long-distance running and fitness
  • Maintaining the stability of the fluid , electrolyte and acid-base in the body

7. High Protein and Unsaturated Fatty

Avocado store about four grams of protein in one fruit. The figure could supply the daily protein requirement of the human body . In addition, there are also good fats that can replace your favorite foods are in fact many contain bad fats and cholesterol triggers the disease . You can eat the avocado as a substitute for animal protein such as eggs each morning.

According to the USDA MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans , avocados provide amino acids whose role is similar to potassium . Which helps build and maintain muscle and body tissues.

8. Maintain Eye Health

Avocados contain lutein . Lutein What is it ?

Lutein is a natural antioxidant that may help maintain eye health as we age.

Quoted from Avocado Central , lutein can not be synthesized by the body . So it is necessary intake of lutein from outside for fulfillment. But the good news arises , that the avocado into a solution of this problem . You can get more lutein than avocado . About 81 micrograms of lutein stored in one ounce of avocado .

A study showed that lutein proved to be concentrated in the macula that can help keep your eyes eyesight in order to remain healthy even in old age . So , if you want to remain normal to see the beautiful natural gift from God , then treat eye health by regularly consuming avocado.

9. Very Good for Babies and Breastfeeding

As we know that the avocado flesh is so soft that toddler - was no trouble when taking them.

Provide healthy intake at an early age is the right step to create the next generation of healthy and smart . As parents , it certainly must think about the future of the child . Therefore , starting with the selection of healthy nutrition carefully , Give the child healthy nutrients from the food that will be used as a favorite, like an avocado.

Do not be too ' fed ' on the pretext that like, but do it slowly . If the baby is getting fed porridge eating avocados , you can search for recipes make healthy food made ​​from avocado complementary .

Here is a recipe creations avocados for baby :

  • Prepare 1/8 ripe avocado and fresh , mashed banana (can be replaced with pears ) , and yoghurt baby any flavor.
  • In a small container such as a plate , mashed avocados with other fruits , pour the yoghurt and stir .
  • Serve when the lamp of the heart was playing.

10. Maintain Weight

You are running low calorie diet ? Add avocado into your daily menu.

Avocado Central explained that the process of weight maintenance can be assisted with avocado . The reason is because it is free of cholesterol and low in calories , as well as the presence of good fruit to the diet can replace other sources of fat . When consumed , avocados will distribute about 20 vitamins , minerals , and nutrients that support the Phy - low-calorie diet of a person.

If you are a man who is focused to lose weight , Collaborate avocado and eggs . Make egg and avocado juice as friends breakfast . Eggs will contribute high-quality protein that is ready to encourage repair and growth of muscle tissue . While 8 % of the avocados provide monounsaturated fat your daily , approximately 3 grams .

Benefits of avocado for a beauty course requires that you perform regular maintenance . Sebagia example to scrub hands with the aim of smoothing the skin because the nutrients and compounds in it that are very appropriate for maintaining healthy skin , as well as the benefits of olive oil.

This is 10 Guava Benefits For Your Health


This is 10 Guava Benefits For Your Health - Guava fruit has a myriad of benefits to humans. This is because the guava fruit is rich in nutrients that are beneficial for health and beauty treatments.

Who would not pleased with this one type of nut ? The best way to enjoy it is to be used as juice , so the seeds are very hard to be crushed in a blender and do not forget to filter with fine mesh in order to enjoy fully and benefit from extraordinary of this red guava fruit.

Guava is very easy to find in Indonesia , because the fruit crop is so it can thrive in tropical climates such as Indonesia so the quality is very good.

10 Guava Benefits For Your Health

Here are a few benefits of guava fruit, such as:

1. Guava fruit contains very high antioxidant compounds produced by the content of vitamin C , vitamin C is needed by the body for the formation of collagen synthesis in the body . Collagen is a protein that is needed by the body in maintaining the integrity of the blood vessels , skin , bones and other organs .

2. Red guava fruit is also highly efficacious in maintaining digestive health , as in the guava fruit contains a natural fiber which is very useful in the conduct of the digestive system such as difficult defecation, constipation and dispose of harmful substances in the intestine .

3. Red guava fruit is also rich in vitamin B complex , so it is usefull to maintain a healthy body.

4. In addition , red guava fruit is also very efficacious in lowering high blood pressure , because in red guava fruit content of potassium are able to stabilize blood pressure.

5. The mineral content of copper contained in guava has been proven to be effective in maintaining the function of the thyroid gland, in the event of disruption of the thyroid gland , it will cause the emergence of a serious illness.

6. Other mineral content found in red guava fruit is manganese , manganese content can help in absorbing the nutrients in the food we eat . Therefore , consume healthy foods so that nutrients are absorbed more leverage.

7. Guava fruit is also highly efficacious in treating dengue fever , as red guava fruit is rich in iron can help the formation of new blood cells in the body.

8. Guava is rich in magnesium which is highly efficacious for relaxation , so it can help relax the muscles in the nerves in the body . In addition , consuming red guava fruit after a day of activity can restore the lost stamina.

9. Vitamin B3 and B6 contained in red guava fruit is very useful in helping to maintain the function of the brain by increasing blood circulation well.

10. Guava fruit is also very beneficial for maintaining healthy skin , because in red guava fruit contains vitamin C , beta - carotene and antioxidants are also very high . So that the skin will look brighter , softer and away from skin disorders such as acne , dry skin , oily skin and other skin disorders . So no wonder the guava fruit is often used as an ingredient for making lotions for face and body .

Well , so the benefits of red guava fruit . Hopefully the above information can be useful to all of you.

Read the next information - 10 Benefits Of Avocado For Health

The Benefits Of Soursop Fruit For Health


The Benefits Of Soursop Fruit For Health - Soursop has a Latin name Anona muricata Linn is a close relative of sugar apple ( Anona squamosa Linn ) . Plants are now very popular thanks to the properties of the leaf (read : Efficacy Soursop Leaf ) and the fruit comes from America ( around Peru , Mexico and Argentina ) . In Indonesia, soursop name comes from the Dutch language , the meaning ZuurZak bag that tastes sour.

Soursop fruit became popular because of the nutritional content and health benefits. Soursop fruit consists of 67.5 percent fruit pulp , 20 per cent of the fruit skin , seeds of 8.5 percent , and 4 percent of the fruit core .

After water, the nutrient content of the highest in the soursop is a carbohydrate . One type of carbohydrate on soursop fruit is a reducing sugar ( glucose and fructose ) content of 81.9 to 93.6 percent hearing of total sugar content .

Soursop fruit

Vitamins are the most dominant in soursop fruit is vitamin C , which is about 20 mg per 100 grams of flesh . Requirement of vitamin C per person per day ( ie 60 mg ) have been met only by eating 300 grams of meat soursop.

Minerals are quite dominant is phosphorus and calcium , respectively at 27 and 14 mg per 100 g . Both minerals are essential for the formation of bone mass that is useful to form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis . Soursop superiority lies in the levels of sodium ( sodium ) is low ( 14 mg per 100 g ) , but high in potassium ( potassium ) , ie 278 mg per 100 g . Comparison of the high potassium and sodium is very beneficial in the prevention of hypertension .

In addition to the nutritional components , soursop fruit is also very rich in nongizi components . One of which is to contain a lot of dietary fiber ( dietary fiber) , which reached 3.3 g per 100 g of fruit flesh.

The Benefits Of Soursop Fruit For Health

1. Prevent Cancer

Annonaceous acetogenins is a phytochemical found in the leaves , seeds and stems of soursop . This substance plays a role in warding off cancer and virus attacks . The research revealed that the content Annonaceous acetogenins in soursop can kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer , such as breast cancer , colon , prostate , lung , and many more .

2. Smooth urination

Soursop fruit juice it can be used as a medicine if you experience pain when urinating . It also can megatasi haematuria is the mixing of white blood cells in the urine , as well as mild liver disease .

3. Maintaining Bone Health

In addition to containing phosphorus and calcium , soursop fruit also enriched other minerals ie copper , which helps the absorption of calcium into the bones so that your spine remains adequate nutritional requirements.

4. Increase Energy

If you feel passionate about, try to consume soursop fruit . In addition to the fresh aroma that can make your mood back excited , soursop fruit also contain thiamin useful to increase your energy .

5. Relieves Migraine

Soursop fruit contains riboflavin or vitamin B2 are known to effectively relieve headaches such as migraines.

7. Prevent Anemia

The content of iron in the soursop fruit is also believed to effectively relieve the symptoms of anemia that can strike at any time.

8. Benefits of Soursop fruit seeds

You know, ladies , that not only meat , seed soursop fruit also useful to maintain your health? Soursop seeds emesis in fact contain substances that can be used to reduce nausea and vomiting .

Well, that's some of the benefits and efficacy of soursop for the health . Hopefully useful and always keep your health and loved ones . Because maintaining health is always cheaper and easier than cure.

Read the next information - This is 10 Guava Benefits For Your Health

The Benefits Of Papaya For Health


The Benefits Of Papaya For Health - Papaya has a Latin name Carica papaya and included in the family Caricaceae. The papaya tree comes from Mexico and the usual area planted in the yard or garden . Ripe papaya fruit , orange or pink . It is sweet and juicy.

Although the papaya fruit including fruit are cheap and easy to come by , but never underestimate the usefulness matter . From the first, the papaya fruit is believed to provide many benefits to humans . Both for health and beauty.

Papaya Fruit Nutrition

Efficacy Papaya Fruit
However , first you have to know first what are the nutrients contained in papaya fruit is :
  • Vitamin A ( 1,750 IU )
  • Vitamin B ( 0:03 mg )
  • Riboflavin ( 0:04 mg )
  • Niacin ( 0.3 mg )
  • Vitamin C ( 56 mg )
  • Calcium ( 20 mg )
  • Iron ( 0.3 mg )
  • Phosphorus ( 16 mg )
  • Potassium ( 470 mg )
  • Fat ( 0.1 g )
  • Carbohydrate ( 10 g)
  • Protein ( 0.6 g )
  • Calories ( 39 )

Because of the nutrition in it , the papaya fruit into pieces that are beneficial to health . Here are some of the health khsiat buh papaya to the human body.


1. Overcoming Digestive Disorders

Papaya contains papain enzymes and fiber that can help overcome the problems of the stomach and digestive disorders like constipation and effective to prevent hemorrhoids . Research also proves that the content of papain in papaya fruit can kill parasites that interfere with the digestive activity in the gut .

2. Prevent Flu

The content of vitamin C in the fruit of papaya can improve the immune system and prevent disease such as coughs , colds , and cancer

3. Maintain Kidney Health

Besides the fruit , papaya seeds also contain essential nutrients for health . Papaya seeds contain flavonoids and phenotic , an active substance that plays an important role in maintaining healthy kidneys.

4. Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke

High antioxidant content in papaya may prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke .

5. Sharpen Vision

If you have any eye health problem , you should be diligent eating papaya fruit . This fruit contains beta-carotene which can be converted into vitamin A to maintain the health of your eyes.

6. Prevent premature aging

The content of antioxidants in papaya prevent free radicals that can cause various problems in the skin, such as blemishes , wrinkles , and so on .

7. Skin Health

Vitamins A , C and E alone is good for skin health . In addition to help moisturize , these vitamins can also help restore the dull skin becomes brighter and fresher.

8. Vitality Men

The content of arginine in papaya enzyme , effectively boost the blood flow in the area mr P. nitric acid Arginine encourage the body to relax the muscles around the blood vessels , so Mr P dilate and blood flow in the area more smoothly .

9. The anti-inflammatory

The content of papain and chymopapain that can relieve inflammation and accelerate healing of burns . These benefits which can then be used to help heal various skin lesions , psoriasis and various other skin diseases .

10. Digestive Health

Not only facilitate defecation , papaya can help cleanse your colon of toxins were accidentally absorbed by the body . Is in fiber and antioxidants , which can lift and clean the intestines and bring it through the sewer.

The Benefits Of Betel Leaf Green for Health

Betel Leaf

The Benefits Of Betel Leaf Green for Health - In Indonesia, there are many herbs that can be used the leaves for treatment . Among them were already discussed in this blog is Moringa leaves , papaya leaves , basil and bay leaves . And do not miss the soursop leaves are now so popular.

Well , on this occasion I will discuss the benefits of green betel leaf for health . Yag betel leaves are often found in Indonesia , there are two kinds , namely red and green betel betel . Everything can be used as a drug , but certainly different properties from each other .

Green betel has the Latin name Piper betle Linn . included in the family Piperaceae . Betel vine is a type of life attached to the trunk of other plants , although there are also creeping on the ground.

The Benefits Of Betel Leaf Green for Health

betel leaf
Our ancestors often make the betel leaf as an herb for ' nginang ' . The material consists of betel leaf , betel leaf , areca nut, gambier , and cardamom . Besides betel leaves can also be used as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases . Here are some benefits of betel leaf for health and medicine.

1. Treating vaginal discharge

Boil 7-10 betel leaves in 2.5 liters of water to boil . Use boiled water betel leaf while still warm to wash the pubic area . Do it repeatedly .

2. Treat itchy allergy and urticaria

Provide 6 pieces of betel leaf , 1 slice of yellow ginger and 1.5 tablespoons of eucalyptus oil . All the ingredients are ground together until smooth . Then the mixture is applied / rubbed on the body itching due to allergies or urticaria.

3. Treating diarrhea

Take 4-6 pieces of betel leaf , 6 peppercorns and 1 tablespoon oil . All the ingredients are ground together until smooth . Rub the mixture in the abdomen and allow to dry.

4. Treating bleeding gums

If you experience bleeding of the gums , do not worry , treat it with betel leaves . Way, take 4 betel leaves and then boiled in two cups of water to boil . Once cool , boiled water is used for rinsing . Do it repeatedly until cured .

5. Treating nosebleeds

Nosebleed is bleeding from the nose . You can treat it using betel leaves . Take one betel leaves and then pressed - press so slightly wilted . Roll and match into the nose to stanch the bleeding.

6. Treating cavities

If you megalami toothache because of cavities , immediately take the betel leaves and boiled in two cups of water to boil . The betel leaves boiled water used for rinsing . Erulang do over again until cured .

7. Treating coughs

Provide 4 betel leaves , 3 leaves bidara upas and honey to taste . Betel leaves sliced, then boiled with upas bidara leaves in 2 cups of water to boil . Once cool , add honey to taste , then the mixture was made to rinse. Try to reach the area of the esophagus .

8. Reduced milk production

Excessive production of milk is certainly not good and wasteful . You can fix this by using a betel leaf . It's easy, take 4 pieces of betel leaf and spread with coconut oil . After the roast over the fire , do not get burned . In a state still warm , the betel leaf is attached around the breast.

9. Heart disease

Provide three pieces of betel leaf, 7 pairs of seeds cubeb, 3 spring onions, and 1 tablespoon cumin. All ingredients until finely ground, plus 5 tablespoons of hot water, left a few minutes, then squeezed and filtered. The herb drink 2 times 1 day, and performed regularly.

10. Disease Sfilis

Prepare 25-30 betel leaves along the stems, 1/4 kg of palm sugar and salt to taste. All the ingredients are boiled together with 2 liters of water to boiling, then filtered. The herb drink 3 times 1 day continuously.

11. Bronchitis

Provide 7 pieces of betel leaf and 1 piece of rock candy. Chopped betel leaves, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and filtered. The herb drink 3 times a day 3 tablespoons.

Well, that's some of the benefits of green betel leaf for health and traditional medicine. Do not forget, steel is also an article about the benefits of red betel leaf to add your insight.

The Benefits Of Breadfruit leaves for Health


The Benefits Of Breadfruit leaves for Health - Breadfruit has the Latin name Artocarpus altilis and belongs to the family Moraceae . Breadfruit resemblance to the durian and jackfruit . Especially on the skin that looks prickly . However thorn breadfruit skin is more blunt than durian and jackfruit . Breadfruit meat is very soft so that the English call it a fruit bread. In Indonesia alone breadfruit is often used as a snack such as chips or boiled . While his young commonly used as a vegetable.

So far, not many people know that it turns the leaves of breadfruit has properties that are great for health . According to a recent study , breadfruit leaf has efficacy for treating a variety of chronic diseases such as high cholesterol , diabetes , gout , heart disease to kidney failure.

The Benefits Of Breadfruit leaves for Health

The ability of breadfruit leaves in treating some chronic diseases is because the compounds contained therein . Breadfruit leaves contain several compounds that are beneficial for the body such as polyphenols , hidrosionat acid , tannin , quercetin and artoindosionin . Ortoindonesionin compounds and quercetin is a group of flavonoids derived compounds that function as antioxidants and is widely used as an active component in medicines .

As already mentioned above , that the benefits of breadfruit leaf is able to overcome the chronic penyait beberpa as follows:

1. Leaves Breadfruit Kidney Disease Drugs

Empirically , many people utilize breadfruit leaves to cope with various health problems . In addition to lowering blood cholesterol levels and blood sugar , some are making it as a solution to save the kidney because breadfruit leaves contain saponins , polyphenols , hydrocyanic acid , potassium , acetylcholine , tannin , riboflavin , and phenol . Potassium makes kidney stones in the form of Ca - oxalate scattered. The precipitate kidney stones eventually dissolve out with urine.

Although not scientifically proven , the use of leaves of breadfruit for kidney disease patients showed improvement in the condition indicator . Improvement of the conditions such as the loss of swelling and reduced protein content in urine . In fact , the protein content in urine in some user testimonials breadfruit leaf tea showed a negative value.

2. Treat Gout

Other diseases that can be treated the uric acid by mixing segenggaman breadfruit leaves that have been dried and brew with boiling water coupled with rock sugar or honey to reduce the bitterness arising from the sap of the leaves of breadfruit.

In addition to leaves , breadfruit also has health benefits , especially for calorie diet . Because , the breadfruit low in calories compared to rice . " But the vitamin content is also full , so eat breadfruit same - eat food vitamin , " said Ning.

3. Treating Heart Disease

After testing the efficacy of the Chemical Research Center LIPI researchers along with other experts , it is known that extracts of leaves of breadfruit ( Artocarpus altilis ) contains flavonoids and sitosterol are efficacious for heart health and blood vessels.

According to DR . Tjandrawati M. Ozef of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences ( LIPI ) said , testing the efficacy both in vitro ( using media ) and in vivo ( involving live cells ) against the plant extract has shown very good results .

In conclusion , breadfruit leaves could protect the heart , because it can lower blood cholesterol levels significantly and is able to inhibit the accumulation of the blood vessel wall of the aorta.

4. Lowering Cholesterol

The way to get the properties of breadfruit leaves that can lower cholesterol levels , namely , provide segengggam breadfruit leaves that have been dried and bangle brewed with hot water , do the same as when you were making tea , and herbs that can be taken daily.

5. Prevent Inflammation and Inflammation

To benefit breadfruit leaves that can prevent inflammation and beradangan ie , provide the first leaves of breadfruit old , then wash the breadfruit leaves thoroughly, then boiled breadfruit leaves using 5 cups of water . After boiling water and cooking water becomes trersebut remaining half, then add back water , filtered water the breadfruit leaf and ready to drink straight , the one with regular drinking.

6. Lower Blood Sugar

In recent years, the use of natural medicinal plants to lower blood sugar began to developed. Breadfruit is one kind of plant which has the effect of insulin can lower blood sugar. Scientific investigations have also confirmed the efficacy of many crops in managing blood sugar levels pernderita diabetes. Puspa DN Lotulung research results, Sofa Fajriah, Andini Sundowo, and Euis Filaila of Chemistry LIPI Research Center showed that the breadfruit leaf flavonoid compounds that can be isolated, ie 8-geranyl-4,5,7-trihydroxyflavone act as a powerful anti-diabetic.

Efficacy breadfruit leaf as an herb for diabetics is also proved by researchers from UGM., Nublah, SP. The study was conducted by examining the breadfruit leaf extract on male rats Wistar strain were given glucose monohydrate so mengalamu hyperglycemia. Pemberia guloksa monohydrate 1.35 g per 200 g of body weight of mice causes blood sugar levels rose from 88.96 mg / dl to 173.95 mg / dl.

The Benefits Of Bacil Leave For Health

bacil leave

The Benefits Of Bacil Leave For Health - Basil Leave has the latin nama "Ocimum basilicum" name which means scented plants . It refers to a distinctive aroma that comes out of the basil leaves . In Indonesia alone basil is often used as a complement to various types of cuisines to add aroma appetizing . One is pepes.

However , apart from being used as seasoning basil leaves is also beneficial to health. This is not out of the compounds contained therein.

The Benefits Of Bacil Leave For Health

Well , below are some health benefits of basil leaves for both men and women:

1. Relieve fever and colds

Basil able to relieve fever and colds suffered by children under five . The trick Take a few leaves of basil , then kneaded together with onions and coconut oil , then applied to the abdomen , chest, and back toddlers .

2. Nourish the eyes and mouth

Vitamin A in the basil leaves have the ability to treat eye infections , relieving eye stress, and prevent interference with the other eye . Not only that , besides mint , basil also has a refreshing effect of bad breath if consumed.

3. smooth milk

Fresh basil leaves is believed to prevent body odor and bad breath , as well as facilitate breastfeeding. You can use as a salad friend to eat rice and sambal .

4. Anti -inflammatory

Basil is an anti -inflammatory agent to treat an effective swelling and relieve arthritis . Basil also include good sources of calcium necessary bones to prevent osteoporosis.

5. menopause

Basil can postpone menopause because it contains tryptophan substance on basil leaves can postpone menopause . Therefore , consumption perbanyaklah basil if you want to postpone the mass of menopause .

6. Preventing a cough

In Thailand , basil is used as seasoning . In India and parts of Africa , basil leaves brewed into tea . Basil tea served at the turn of the season , when local people susceptible to coughs , colds , or fevers .

7. Addressing Whitish

The content of the compound eugenol in basil can kill the fungi that cause vaginal discharge . So , when you experience vaginal discharge , diligent consume basil leaves . can as a salad or mixed with other foods , for example pepes .

8. Stimulate Egg

Basil leaves can help the process of maturation of the egg ( ovulation ) because the substances stigmaasterol in basil stimulates the maturation of the egg ( ovulation ).

9. The anti-inflammatory

The content of cineole , myrcene and eugenol contained in basil leaves function as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory .

10. Heart Health

Based on several studies , basil role in maintaining heart health because it contains beta-carotene , and magnesium . Both are important mineral that serves to keep and maintain cardiovascular health .

11. Overcoming Stroke

Improve the function of blood vessels pulse ( artery) in stroke patients because the isoflavone content in basil and also found in legumes such as soy , beans, peas , can improve blood vessel function pulse ( artery) in stroke patients .

12. Other benefits

Smokers can chew basil leaves whenever they want to smoke . By doing so , the antioxidant power is able to fix a broken system from the effects of nicotine . Basil is also effective to relieve stress , prevent diabetes , and to overcome kidney stones .

Ingredients Basil

Basil leaves contain nutritional components and non- nutritional components that are beneficial for the body .

Nutritional Components Basil

bacil leave

Basil leaves contain beta-carotene ( provitamin A) and vitamin C. Beta-carotene plays a role supports visual function , increase the antibody response ( affect immune function ) , protein synthesis to support the growth process , and as an antioxidant .

Vitamin C , among others, are useful for the formation of collagen for wound healing and maintain skin elasticity , helps the absorption of calcium and iron , antioxidants , preventing the formation of nitrosamines which are carcinogenic ( cancer causing ) .

Collagen is a protein compound that affects the integrity of the cell structure in all connective tissues , such as cartilage , bone matrix , tooth dentin , capillary membranes , skin , and tendons ( tendons ) . Basil leaves are rich in macro minerals , namely calcium , phosphorus , and magnesium . Calcium is important for the formation and growth of bone , nerve impulse transmission , muscle contraction helps , and helps activate the enzyme reaction .

Phosphorus plays a role in bone growth , helps the absorption and transport of nutrients , regulate the balance of acids and bases . Magnesium helps relax the heart and blood vessels , thus improving blood flow .

Non - nutrient components Basil

Basil leaves also contain other components nongizi between flavonoids and eugenol , arginine , anetol , boron , and essential oil . And eugenol flavonoids act as antioxidants , which can neutralize free radicals , neutralize cholesterol and are anticancer .

The compounds may also be antimicrobial that prevents the entry of bacteria , viruses , or fungi that harm the body . Very nice basil eugenol consumed by women because of its can kill fungi that cause vaginal discharge .

Its content of arginine can strengthen the endurance of sperm and prevent infertility . Anetol and boron compounds are also very instrumental in keeping the male and female reproductive health .

Anetol and boron may stimulate the hormones estrogen and androgen , and prevent bone loss . Estrogen and androgen hormones play a role in the female reproductive system.

Volatile essential oils and has a biological activity as an antimicrobial . Essential oils are divided into two components , namely component hydrocarbons and oxygenated hydrocarbons or phenol component . Phenol has a very strong antimicrobial properties .

Essential oils can prevent the growth of disease-causing microbes , such as Staphylococcus aureus , Salmonella enteritidis , and Escherichia coli . Essential oils can also ward off infection from the virus Basillus subtilis , Salmonella paratyphi , and Proteus vulgaris .

His eugenol can kill fungi that cause vaginal discharge . And stigmasterol can stimulate ovulation ( egg maturation ) . Components of its tannins and zinc can reduce the secretion of vaginal fluid , while the amino acid tryptophan may delay menopause . Flavonoid components such as orientin and vicenin the basil leaves can protect the cell structure of the body . Meanwhile, the flavonoid components such as cineole , myrcene and eugenol useful as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory .

The Benefit Of "Lidah Buaya" For Health, Beauty and Hair

lidah buaya

The Benefit Of "Lidah Buaya" For Health, Beauty and Hair - Lidah Buaya always been known as a medicinal plant efficacious . Although commonly grown in pots as an ornamental plant , but aloe vera is often used for material beauty treatments , ranging nourish hair to get rid of acne.

Lidah Buaya contains a wide variety of biologically active compounds , such as mannans acetate , polymannans , anthraquinone , various lectins and saponins and anthraquinone compounds . Anthraquinone compounds contained in Lidah Buaya is a substance which can counteract the bacteria.

Lidah Buaya is worth mentioning as herbal plants because it contains about 75 kinds of substances that are beneficial and approximately 200 other compounds are highly efficacious.

Eliminating Acne

The trick is very simple and can be done at home without having to go out of the house . Just take aloe vera , then sides , then take the sap or mucus contained therein . Apply on the face affected by acne once a day for about 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water .

Eliminating Dark Spots

For those of you - you who have black spots on the face due to the influence of cosmetics or acne scars is forgiveness methods to eliminate it in a natural way . The trick : after a cleansed face , grab the tongue jelly crocodile , then cleaned of mucus - mucus and prepare to face each morning as well evening. Let stand for 30 minutes . After that wash with clean water and dry . Do it at least 2x a day in a row . Guaranteed , your face will be smooth and free from flex - flex hitam.Walau take a long time , but if done regularly , the result would be the maximum.

Health Lash

For those of you - you are diligent use mascara , of course, will have an effect on the health of your lashes . Among them: dry eyelashes and quickly fall . But you do not worry because there is a special recipe that uses liday vera jelly can strengthen the roots of the lashes and nourish your lashes and your lashes will be heavy . The trick : each going to sleep , or even when you relax , wash your lashes be free of chemicals such as mascara . Then take Aloe Vera jelly , and rub gently and quietly on your eyelashes . Leave for 30 minutes then wash with plain water until clean . When regularly used , you will be guaranteed lashes strong , not easily fall out and thick .

Fertilize Eyebrow

Aloe vera jelly can also be used to thicken your eyebrows . The way each bed diolekan to your eyebrows , then the next day washed . The more you diligently go it , then the result will be maximal .

Hair Care

In terms of hair care that has been done , the use of aloe vera can accelerate hair growth , reducing the appearance of dandruff , and also can replace the function of the conditioner in the hair soften . Take 2 midrib aloe vera that has been washed , then rub it on the scalp that has been washed ( done in the afternoon ) . Then wrapped with cloth and rinse hair the next day , try this treatment every day to get maximum results.

Skin Care

No matter what skin type you have, aloe vera is said is suitable for all skin types because he gave the oxygen supply to the cells that can arouse strength and nourish the skin . Take a piece of aloe vera and set aside part of the gel alone . Remember , this does not include the sticky liquid that is attached to the skin . Destroy this gel and apply before you sleep . In addition to acne disappear , the skin will be soft, shiny and say goodbye to wrinkles .

Shaving Gel

If you want to shave with a comfortable and safe , you do not have to use shaving cream . Enough applying a gel contained in aloe vera then you will be easier for you to shave and prevents irritation. Aloe vera will keep your skin cool and comfortable without the sting .

Cleansing makeup

You can try aloe vera gel to clean your makeup . Direct taking natural gel , then he will clean up makeup gently without leaving irritation.


Not to be confused look for moisturizers that are natural and safe for sensitive skin . You simply look for are made of aloe vera so skin becomes cool. He is also safe for sensitive skin , acne prone skin . Even the aloe vera helps heal acne and acne scars .

The Benefit Of Lidah Buaya For Health

lidah buaya

Overcoming Diabetes

Consumption of aloe vera in a certain way will help you in lowering your blood sugar levels for diabetes . How to boil aloe discarded prickly with water 3 cups boiling water and leave until half. This herb can be taken three times per day each half a glass .

Treating Wounds

In dealing with minor injuries , aloe vera has many functions . You can use it to treat burns , relieve the pain due to sunburn ( sunburn ) , reducing the color of bruises due to bruises , relieve the pain because of blisters , and reduce cell damage due to frostbite.

Treating Hemorrhoids

Prepare half of the stem of aloe vera and two tablespoons of honey and half a cup of boiled water. How to make it easy enough scar aloe vera, then add honey and half a cup of boiled water on a grater earlier. Stir until smooth and strain later this herb. Drink this mixture three times a day.


A healthy digestion is the key to a healthy body causes poor digestion can lead to various diseases. Well, aloe vera has long been known as a medicinal plant that helps digestion and keep digestion in order to remain healthy.

Remove toxins from the body

Just as seaweed, aloe vera is a plant that contains gelatin. The gelatin serves to absorb the toxins that are in the intestine and remove it along with the dirt. This detoxification process is obviously very beneficial for your body.

Given the many benefits of aloe vera, it helps if you start planting aloe vera in a pot and home pages.

The Benefits Of Sansevieria

the benefits of sansevieria
The Benefits Of Sansevieria

The Benefits Of Sansevieria - The name of the plant that is quite unique , tongue -in-law . There is also a call sword - traders , because the shape of its leaves are elongated like a sword . However , it's been a lot of all kinds of variants , not only the shape of elongated leaves , but also the forms and models of mini and unique . Other popular names , which are often present scientific is Sansevieria .

Tongue -in-law is one type of ornamental plants are often grown outdoors and indoors . How to plant and care for her also quite easy . Even when the dry season , although not watered week will still survive . So suitable for those who love plants but often forget or lazy to take care of him . 

Similarly, the breed . It is so easy. Through the separation of new shoots that are around clumps , or can also with a small cut leaves and seeded or planted ( cuttings ) in the media loose soil , sufficient moisture , and sunlight . A few weeks later on the leaves in the last piece will grow new roots and shoots small . For this second way , the results can form a unique in-law tongue plant and mini , and not the same as its parent . Tongue -in-law and a unique mini is suitable to be planted in pots and placed in the room . Often I see this plant placed on tables office , bank , and restaurant .

Well not only its unique, in-law tongue plant is also a lot of benefits , are as follows :

The benefit to themselves and the environment

the benefits of sansevieria

1. 107 can absorb pollutants in dense traffic areas as well as the room filled with smoke . On each leaf Sansevieria terdapatpregnane glycoside , which is a substance that can break down toxic substances so organic compounds , sugars , and amino acids . Toxic substance that has been parsed , for example carbon dioxide , benzene , xylene , formaldehyde , triklorotilen and koloroform .

2. Indoors , tongue -in-law can mengatasisick building syndrome , which is an unhealthy state of the room because of the high concentration of gas korbondioksida , nicotine cigarettes , as well as the use of air conditioning . 1 -in-law tongue plant lorentii trifasciata grown manifold with 4/5 leaf blade is able to refresh the air in the room of 20 square meters .

3. For in-law tongue trifasciata lorentii manifold that has been cut into pieces 5 cm and placed in the refrigerator to remove odors pleasant aroma . In the industrial environment leaf pieces are often deployed in industrial production spaces aims to reduce toxic substances that have been inhaled by workers .

4. Able to reduce the radiation wave elektromaghnetik issued computers and televisions . It is very good when these plants if placed next to a television or computer .

Tongue -in-law for the benefit of Plant Health

As antibiotics , inflammation , diabetes , flu , high blood pressure , snake bites . Chemical content contained in -law tongue plant , namely the leaves have abamagenin content , kardenolin , polyphenols and saponins .

How to use it:

To cope with High Blood Pressure , snake bites , diarrhea , inflammation of the respiratory tract , colitis and gastritis :

Wash thoroughly tongue -in-law 27 grams of dried root , boil three cups of water until the remaining one cup . Strain the cooking water before, then drink twice a day each half a glass .

To cope with the influenza , diabetes , cough ,:

Wash thoroughly tongue -in-law 25 pieces , boil three cups of water until the remaining one cup . When cold strain the stew was then drink twice a day each half a glass .

That plant tongue -in-law who is apparently very rich benefits. Not only as an ornamental or as a fence wrote, but the benefits are very good for the environment and human health . Even in some of the health science literature , this plant is very much useful in medicine . So , there's nothing wrong if you planted it as an ornamental plant and a time can enjoy the healthy benefits .

Thus the benefits and efficacy of Sansevieria that we can say , hopefully what we describe can provide many benefits for your family . Like this article ? Feel free to share them via social media accounts twitter , facebook or google + . Thank you